Episode 9 - How to Speak With Confidence And Authority When You're an Introvert

I got a lot of questions after Episode 5 aired (where I interviewed an introverted entrepreneur and my client, Roos Vos). You asked me how to become a confident, compelling, and captivating speaker when your “introversion” gets in the way. 

This episode is dedicated to all my fellow introverts. I see you, I hear you, I get you. Because being an introvert myself, I’ve had to deal with all the challenges and advantages of introversion my entire life. 

A lot of people think that it’s impossible to be a confident public speaker when you’re an introvert simply because of all the perceived limitations, but they can’t be further from the truth. Many incredible public speakers are introverts. 

And to anyone who needs to hear this: Introverts are NOT hermits, they are NOT anti-social, and they are NOT always shy. Being an introvert simply means you have a different way of draining and recharging your energy than extroverts - and this does not have to hold you back in terms of public speaking. 

In fact, introverts have certain “gifts” that can help them overcome the fear of public speaking and show up as the confident and brilliant professionals that they are! 

I talk about this at length in this episode of my Confidence Within podcast. If you’re an introvert, this episode is for you! 



Get my FREE GUIDE “5 Proven Steps You Can Take to Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence Right Now”: https://www.byvictorial.com/5steps

Book a DISCOVERY CALL to learn how I help high-level professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs boldly advance their career or business by obliterating public speaking anxiety from within and showing up with genuine confidence, authority, and influence: https://www.byvictorial.com/discoverycall

Website: https://www.byvictorial.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-lioznyansky/